A little bit about My Journey....


Before I found the value of investing in my personal growth and spiritual practice I felt like I was mentally exhausted, energetically drained and was living a life inauthentic to myself.

I have always been an ambitious person, but because I was not being true to myself I was working towards things that were not making me happy. I wanted things because of how successful they would make me look. 

My ego was running my life and my soul was begging to take control. 

I always believed working hard was the key to success. So I worked really hard to get the full ride to college, to get the fancy job, to get the hot boyfriend... but for some reason I still felt like something was missing in my life. Regardless of what I had, I was never truly satisfied. 

A part of me felt so fake because on the outside everything seemed perfect, but on the inside I felt lost. 

I realized I wasn't happy because I wasn't being true to what I wanted. I was too focused on people pleasing. I was emotionally broke and lost that zest for life.  

I wanted to change, but I didn't know how. Then one day I picked up a book from the self-help section and my life completely changed. 

The first thing I realized was your thoughts become things and you can literally think things into existence. It's called the law of attraction and once I understood how it worked I started to manifest my wildest dreams. I lived in Maryland and manifested a new life in San Diego, California. I manifested exciting new jobs and friendships that were positive and motivating. 

I learned how to turn limiting beliefs into an empowering mindset. This helped me be confident in putting myself first and taking risk. 

Life is meant to be exciting. Your soul is meant to thrive. It can be hard to keep a positive mindset in this crazy world, and sometimes dreams may feel out of reach. I want you to know anything is possible. 

My mission is to help others achieve their dream vision. Screw the status quo and go after what makes you happy regardless of what others may say...because there is only one life to live. You have the choice to be happy. You have the power to create your reality and I want to help show you the way. 

With Love,